The investment methods that are popular in Japan.


welcom!Here are some of the investment methods that are popular in Japan.


For the past 10 years, the growth rate of S&P 495, excluding the five GAFAM companies, has been equal to that of the Nikkei 225. In fact, it is not a big deal.

Investing in the S&P 500 with the expectation of its steady growth is actually the same as expecting the growth of GAFAM.
The NASDAQ 100 has a higher percentage of GAFAM than the S&P 500. The NASDAQ 100 has a higher percentage of GAFAM than the S&P 500, so of course the NASDAQ 100 will perform better.

Once Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone and Facebook have captured the world and penetrated deeply into society, their monopoly status will not change for the next 100 years.

The bursting of the IT bubble in 2000 occurred because the stock price rose too high in anticipation even though the technology had not caught up yet.

GAFAM (excl. Facebook) is resilient to the global recession because it can secure huge profits through direct billing from users around the world, which is semi-compulsory, simply by raising the monthly fee of its cloud service by 100 yen.
GAFAM’s business is also in tune with the post-Corona era. GAFAM’s business matches the post-Corona era and recovered quickly from the Corona shock.

If new companies other than GAFAM emerge to drive the global economy (e.g., automated driving), they will undoubtedly be tech-related stocks, and the NASDAQ 100 will automatically switch stocks to capture their growth.

The U.S. is the center of the world economy. Investing in all countries is like investing in all prefectures in Japan. It is useless.

If you want to invest in Japan, just focus on Tokyo. If you want to invest in the world, just focus on the US.

There is no need for an exit strategy. You can put all the money you earn from your work into the NASDAQ 100 .as if you were saving it in a bank, and only withdraw it each time you need a large sum of money.



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